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Géopolitique des séquençages génétiques. Podcast.

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BGI Group (1) says that the allegations made in the Biosecure bill that it collects, stores and analyses personal genetic information for the purpose of infringing human rights, that it supports the surveillance of minorities and that it is controlled by the Chinese government or the PLA are all “false”.

Biosecure Bill est un projet de réglementation pour les industries de biotechnologies, en discussion au Congrès, aux Etats-Unis. Selon le magazine The Economist, l’un des objectifs est d’éviter que les données de santé, notamment celles issues de séquençages génétiques,  ne tombent dans les mains des autorités chinoises : “The politicians worry about American health data falling into the hands of the Chinese authorities. They also fret about American intellectual property (ip), for example in the form of drug recipes that big pharma shares with contract manufacturers, flowing to Chinese rivals. And they are concerned about American money going to Chinese firms that collaborate with the People’s Liberation Army (pla) and with the Chinese government’s repression of Uyghurs, an ethnic minority. Should the bills’ sponsors succeed, America’s patients may be left bearing some of the costs“.


1 –BGI Group is the world’s largest genome research organization, providing genomics services such as genetic data, sequencing and gene technology application” 



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