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International Neuroethics Society : meeting annuel le 22 octobre

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Our Digital Future: Building Networks Across Neuroscience, Technology and Ethics. La conférence – en ligne – de la Société Internationale de neuroéthique, International Neuroethics Society, aura lieu les 22 et 23 octobre. Les thèmes illustrent, comme toujours,  les points saillants de l’actualité dans ce domaine. Il sera question en particulier, pour cette édition 2020, de la manière dont les nouvelles technologie du cerveau sont mises au point, utilisées et régulées. Le programme annoncé par les organisateurs est le suivant : 

“Governing Brain Data in the Infosphere

This session aims to broaden the discussion on international governance of brain data and the use of big data analytics in neuroscience. Special focus will be given to non-medical uses such as direct-to-consumer neurotechnology. The panelists will explore, among many topics, potential conflicts of data sharing and privacy; potential divergences between different stakeholder perspectives; confidentiality issues arising from data use for medical informatics and private ventures; and cultural views on mental privacy.

Prospects for AI-Enabled Diagnostic Imaging

Long considered unrealistic, brain imaging for the purpose of psychiatric diagnosis appears more plausible with applications of artificial intelligence, leading to questions about its possibility to aid in differential diagnosis and treatment response. The following panelists will examine the state of the technology and likely challenges, the ethical concerns that may arise when applied to psychiatric diagnosis, and how diagnostic systems and conceptions of psychiatric disorders may change.

Linking Social Justice and Brain Injuries Through Theology

Religious and theological traditions of ethics provide an opportunity to expand and enrich approaches to social justice in neuroethics, particularly in the context of brain injury and disorders of consciousness. The following panelists will examine how different religious traditions approach ethical issues surrounding brain injuries through a social justice lens.

Charting the Path to Ethical Neurotechnology

Neurotechnology is rapidly advancing. New consumer products and therapeutic applications of brain–computer interfaces in particular are forcing an industry to navigate ethical concerns such as data protection, consent, and accountability without clear guidelines or standards. This conversation with leaders of neurotechnology companies will examine issues raised by advancing device technologies and their potential applications, as well as look at opportunities to increase interdisciplinary collaboration.

Policing, Neurotechnology, and the Search for Truth

Over the past decade, brain-based methods of detecting lies and autobiographical memories have been introduced in neuroscience labs and applied police investigations in multiple countries. In this session forensic practitioners, scientists, and ethics and legal scholars will examine from their different perspectives the latest technologies — including electroencephalogram (EEG) memory detection — and debate if these tools can be applied fairly and ethically to aid accuracy and promote justice in police investigations and legal adjudication.

Life and Health Decisions with Experimental Brain Implants

Trials researching effective treatments for psychiatric and neurological ailments are increasingly using experimental devices implanted into the brain to record signals and stimulate activity. After the study, the fate of the device can lead to complex dilemmas: for patients faced with uncertain risks and benefits; for investigators concerned with long-term care and outcomes; and for ethicists tasked with determining responsibility and establishing an appropriate course of care. Panelists will attempt to find consensus about patient care and device management after brain implant trials.

Challenges of Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience to Democracy

The possibilities offered by the combined insights of artificial intelligence and neuroscience raise profound questions for democracy. It’s critical to ask if AI–neuroscience technologies and their applications might be able to improve democracy, encourage greater participation in public discourse, jeopardize the opinion-building process, or challenge our understanding of self-governance. Leading experts in artificial intelligence, big data neuroscience, democratic theory, and social studies of science will lead an open discussion on these issues.


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